TSG Clients Receive $1,188,320 in Grant Awards in June to August 2018

The Snay Group is happy to announce that four clients were awarded grants for applications prepared and submitted by TSG earlier in 2018! Thank you to the following grantmakers:

The Miami Foundation Community Grants Program, Henry L. and Kathryn Mills Charitable and The Dunspaugh-Dalton Foundations awarded a total of $40,000 to one TSG client.

The Children’s Trust awarded $904,320 in three separate Youth Development Program grants for 2018-2019. These include $496,519 for a K-5 Program plus $279,650 and $128,151 for two TSG clients’ 6-12 Programs, one a first-time Youth Development grantee. Another TSG client was awarded $244,000 from The Children’s Trust Parenting Program. Kudos to The Children’s Trust for these awards to well-deserving nonprofits and for extending its grant period to 5 years.

TSG is pleased to support the work of these four impactful nonprofit organizations that do so much to benefit Miami’s disadvantaged children and families.